Singing Guide: Phil Phillips

Singing Guide: Phil Phillips

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Phil Phillips is a unique artist, known for his bluesy vibe and soulful singing style. To sing like Phil Phillips, you need to focus on developing your falsetto and perfecting your phrasing. His signature song, "Sea of Love," showcases his falsetto range, while his ability to play with the melody is evident in his live performances.

To start learning how to sing like Phil Phillips, you should take Singing Carrots' vocal range and pitch accuracy tests. This will help you determine your current range and pitch accuracy, so you can work on developing the areas that need improvement. Once you have those basics down, you can move on to more specific aspects of Phil's vocal style.

One of the core elements of Phil's vocal technique is his falsetto. He uses it to great effect in "Sea of Love" and other songs. To develop your falsetto, try Singing Carrots' "Farinelli Breathing" exercise, which focuses on strengthening your diaphragm for better breath control. Use the "Chest Voice Explained" video to find your chest voice and create the foundation for your falsetto. After you get comfortable with your chest voice, work on transitioning smoothly to your falsetto by using the "Mixed Voice" video.

Another key to learning Phil's style is improving your phrasing and dynamics. He has a natural trait of bending notes and using dynamics that changes the pitch and emotion. Everybody has this characteristic to some degree, but learning to apply safe and effective exercises to enhance your skill is an important step. Try Singing Carrots' "Singing Comfort Zone", which deals with singing different notes smoothly using diaphragm control. Here you will also learn how to shift from chest voice to your own falsetto. Additionally, the "Good Singing Posture" video shows how proper vocal posture can help with phrasing, breath support, and overall vocal control.

Once you have a solid foundation, you can work on perfecting Phil's unique style through Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises and vocal training games, as well as the educational singing course. The "Pitch Training" and "Singing with Vibrato" videos are great places to start. Finally, find songs in Phil Phillips' style using Singing Carrots' "Search songs" tool. Practice with these, and analyze your performance using the tips from the "How to analyze your voice", "How to learn a song effectively", and "Performance" articles.

By following these steps, you can learn to sing like Phil Phillips while also improving your overall vocal technique. Start exploring the Singing Carrots' resources and try out what works for you. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.